My Little Bs Have the Big C

A Breast Cancer Blog For Young Women

Bye-Bye Boobie Party


Not long after I found out that I was going to lose my breast to breast cancer, I decided that it needed a proper send off.  Sort of like those people who want their funeral before they die but not quite so macabre.  It was one of my first decisions made after my diagnosis.  You can question my priorities if you want, but it’s just the way my mind worked.  It’s actually one of the reasons I postponed my surgery for a week.  They originally wanted to schedule my on August 29 and I said, “No!  My boobie party is on the 31st!!!!!”  They obliged.

We ended up having it at our apartment instead of the park as planned because they were predicting thunderstorms all day. Here is how it went down.  I made the party boob themed, of course.  Even the food.IMG_5217IMG_5218IMG_5219IMG_5229

We had Dolly Parton movies playing on the “boob tube” the whole time.  We even had different size drinking cups with a sign that said, “Choose your own cup size.”

It was mostly a low key gathering with people hanging out and the kids playing with all of the toys.



But we also had a bit of fun.  One of my best friends and incredible artist and stationer, Nicole of Nic Studio, helped to make a head and body image of me for the “Pin the Boobie on the Carrie” game.  The idea was to pin different size breasts on me and the closest one will be how I get my reconstruction.  I think I’m going to be a size DD.  



I also had a boobie pinata made.  I loved it!!!!!  Three of us got a turn to show cancer what we thought of it.  In the end, my dear friend and thesis wife, Laura, beat the cancer (candy!) out.  Thanks, Laura!!!!!



Even Oliver joined in on the fun!


In the end, we ate boobie cupcakes made by my amazingly talented pastry chef husband, Ken.  Don’t be jealous, ladies!!!!!


This was not a somber party at all.  We all had a really great time and it was a wonderful excuse to get the people I love together to celebrate.  If you are ever in the position I am in, I highly recommend a party like this if you are feeling up to it.  

I was not the first person to think of a party like this .  I actually got a lot of my ideas off of pintrest.  Feel free to steal my ideas as well.  

Thank you to all of my family and friends for all of your support.  You are the best.  















4 thoughts on “Bye-Bye Boobie Party

  1. Inspiring.

  2. You’re amazing and strong. I will be sending healing thoughts.

  3. Pingback: One Year Mastectaversary | My Little Bs Have the Big C

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